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Jetzt Mitglied werden!Problems in Locating Historic Dumping Sites
MIREMAR - Conference

Uwe Wichert, State Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Control, Kiel / Germany
An unknown number of ammunitions have been dumped in the Baltic Sea. We know only the number of laid mines and I will show the problems along this fact.
The quality of logbooks, war diary, reports or orders show us a different level, same as the older navigations systems or procedure. If we look on the wartime influence and the possibility of moving by minesweeping or fishing action, we must commit that we only have an overlook about the position of ammunition.
With new, modern systems as Sonar, GPS and Radar, electronic sea charts, and the problems between old and modern Systems, we works on a solution for real correct positions about the ammunition and last but not least an identification of every ammunition part.
Uwe Wichert
State Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Control
Düsternbrooker Weg 92
24105 Kiel / Germany