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Jetzt Mitglied werden!Marine Ammunition in the Sight of NGOs
MIREMAR - Conference

Kim Cornelius Detloff, Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union NABU, Berlin / Germany
Old marine ammunition could cause severe impacts on the marine environment if they disintegrate over years or when removed. Conservationists are mostly concerned about underwater noise by targeted explosions and about toxic effects from blasting and chemical agents. Many degradation products of conventional explosives and chemical agents are highly toxic and mutagenic. Whereas we benefit from increasing knowledge on the adverse effects of ocean noise we do know less or are even in the dark to predict chemical reactions in water, sediments and biota.
The presentation is outlining NGO’s sight on this invisible and often unknown threat, considering cumulative effects and interactions with other human pressures. It presents latest legal developments with respect to ocean protection. The European Marine Strategy Framework Directive will be highlighted as the first legal framework acknowledging noise as a form of marine pollution and obliging Member States to follow the precautionary and the ecosystem approach in managing marine protection and the use of marine resources. Finally, relevant NGO activities and claims are presented in order to address these relicts threatening humans and marine wildlife in particular.
Kim Cornelius Detloff
Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union NABU
Charitestr. 3
10117 Berlin / Germany
Tel. +49-30 284984 1626