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Jetzt Mitglied werden!Activities of the Helsinki Commission with regards to Chemical Munitions dumped in the Baltic Sea
MIREMAR - Conference

Minna Pyhälä, HELCOM, Helsinki / Finland

MIREMAR Presentation Minna Pyhälä: Activities of the Helsinki Commission with regards to Chemical Munitions dumped in the Baltic Sea
The Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) works to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution through intergovernmental cooperation between the Baltic coastal states and the EU.
In 1994, HELCOM released a report on the dumping sites as well as quantity and quality of the chemical munitions in the Baltic Sea. Since then, HELCOM continues to annually collect and report information submitted by the HELCOM countries on the numbers of incidents reported where chemical munitions have been caught by fishermen. In 2010, it was decided to establish the HELCOM ad hoc Expert Group to update and review the existing information on dumped chemical munitions in the Baltic Sea.
Minna Pyhälä
Helsinki Commission
(Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission)
Katajanokanlaituri 6 B
FI-00160 Helsinki / Finland
Phone: +358 46 850 9205