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Jetzt Mitglied werden!Electro-Acoustical Survey of Mean Apulian Harbours (Italy) to Find Dumped Ammunitions
A Proposal of New Methodology

Luigi Alcaro, Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), Rome /Italy
MIREMAR - Presentation

MIREMAR Presentation Luigi Alcaro: Electro-Acoustical Survey of Mean Apulian Harbours (Italy) to Find Dumped Ammunitions: a Proposal of New Methodology
ISPRA is endorsed by Italian Ministry of Environment to carry out a survey of the main Apulian harbour to detect the Unexploded Ordnance lying on the seabed.
The survey campaign is realised using in brief:
- A Multibeam system useful to obtain the morphology of the seabed,
- a Side Scan Sonar mounted on an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (A.U.V) to find objects lying on the seabed,
- a Magnetometer/gradiometer system towed by an amagnetic vessel to verify the presence of metallic items.
Luigi Alcaro
Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA)
Via Vitaliano Brancati 48
00144 ROMA / Italy