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Chemical Weapons are banned under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) which entered into force in 1997. Old Chemical Weapons (OCW) presenting a special category of chemical weapons (CW) under the CWC. The last 13 years have provided valuable experience in the destruction of OCW.
The presentation reviewed individual States Parties OCW destruction programs regarding efficiency, technology challenges and future requirements.
The last decade has proven certain technology approaches to be applicable for destruction of OCW and others not to be applicable. Hereby the presentation focuses on mobile and semi-mobile solutions and their potential application for destruction of sea-dumped CW.
Dr. Thomas Stock
Dynasafe Germany GmbH
Düsseldorfer Str. 138
45481 Mülheim
Tel. ++ 49 (0) 208 46 89 185
Presentation Dr. Stock / Dynasafe (PDF)
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