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Jetzt Mitglied werden!The More we know, the Worse it gets – on the Situation of Conventional Ammunition in the Baltic Sea
MIREMAR - Conference

Gunnar Möller, COM Mine Warfare Data Center (C MWDC), 4th Naval Warfare Flottilla, Berga, Sweden

MIREMAR Presentation Gunnar Möller: The More we know, the Worse it gets – on the Situation of Conventional Ammunition in the Baltic Sea
The presentation has the purpose to give the audience information about:
- What we know about the remaining mines on the seabed of the Baltic Sea - why there is mines on the seabed, the areas with concentrations, the amount and status of the mines, the risks with the mines etc.
- What we done about the remaining mines so far – the national and multinational mine-clearance operations 1994-2007
- What we do about the remaining mines today and tomorrow – the research and how the research results is used to minimize risks with remaing UXO, the “Baltic Ordnance Safety Board” (the purpose of the board, “the operation area prioritization system”, the possibilities to implement new criterias concerning integration of environmental issues into the priority system, the results achieved so far) and what we will see in a near future concerning research, cooperation, information and clearance activities.
Gunnar Moeller
COM Mine Warfare Data Center (CMWDC)
4th Naval Warfare Flottilla
Tel. +46 (0)10 - 823 30 00