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Jetzt Mitglied werden!Bubble Curtains as a Protective Measure for Marine Mammals in Theory and Practice
MIREMAR - Conference

Tanja Grießmann, Jörg Rustemeier & Raimund Rolfes, Institute of Structural Analysis, University of Hannover / Germany

MIREMAR Presentation Tanja Grießmann et al.: Bubble Curtains as a Protective measure for Marine Mammals in Theory and Practice
The acoustic noise caused by underwater detonations or pile driving has an impulsive character. The single event of a detonation or one ram stroke reaches values, which seriously exceed the maximum tolerable sound pressure levels defined by the German Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt, UBA).
Therefore an integral research goal consists in developing noise mitigation concepts, which are physically effective, without disregarding the aspect of cost-efficiency. Among the possible mitigation concepts the bubble curtains remains to be the best developed concept at present. Theoretical and practical aspects of the concept will be presented.
Tanja Grießmann
Jörg Rustemeier
Raimund Rolfes
Institute of Structural Analysis ISD
Leibniz University Hannover
Appelstr. 9A
D-30167 Hannover / Germany
Tel. ++49-(0)511-762-3867