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Jetzt Mitglied werden!Conventional and chemical munitions in the North-East Atlantic – the approach of the OSPAR Commission
MIREMAR - Conference

Sebastian Unger, OSPAR Commission, London / UK

MIREMAR Presentation Sebastian Unger: Conventional and chemical munitions in the North-East Atlantic – the approach of the OSPAR Commission
The vast amounts of dumped munitions in the sea are a historical legacy representing a risk to fishermen, other coastal users and the marine ecosystems. To reduce risk to fishermen and coastal users, the OSPAR Commission has adopted a framework for the development of national guidelines on how to deal with encounters with munitions. Other OSPAR activities include a programme to establish the extent of dumped munitions and to monitor the frequency of encounters. In 2009 OSPAR published an Assessment on the Environmental Impacts of Dumped Conventional and Chemical Munitions.
The North-East Atlantic Environment Summit (OSPAR Ministerial Meeting), 20-24 September 2010 in Bergen is expected to adopt a new OSPAR Recommendation on a Framework for reporting Encounters with conventional and chemical munitions.
Sebastian Unger
OSPAR Secretariat
New Court
48 Carey Street
London WC2A 2JQ / UK