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Jetzt Mitglied werden!Microbial responses to chemical weapons dumped in the Baltic Sea
MIREMAR - Conference

Nadezda Medvedeva, Scientific Research Centre for Ecological Safety Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg / Russia, Yulia Polyak, Tatyana Zaytseva & Irina Kuzikova (presented by Vadim T. Paka)

MIREMAR Presentation Nadezda Medvedeva - Microbial responses to chemical weapons dumped in the Baltic Sea
Mustard gas hydrolysis products (MGHP) - tolerant microorganisms were predominant in near bottom water in many stations in the Baltic Sea dumping areas. The concentration of MGHP-tolerant microorganisms up to 20 - 98% of total number of heterotrophs in Gotland Deep, Strait of Skagerrak and Bornholm Basin. High number of microorganisms tolerant to MGHP in near-bottom waters indicates possible leaking of CW agents into the environment and contamination of water and sediments with mustard gas in dumping areas. The method for microbial indication of chemical weapon dump sites has been developed. The bacteria capable of utilizing MGHP were isolated from the dump areas. The results suggest the potential for self-purification of contaminated areas by natural populations of microorganisms.
Nadezda Medvedeva
Yulia Polyak
Tatyana Zaytseva
Irina Kuzikova
Scientific Research Centre for Ecological Safety
Russian Academy of Sciences
197110 St. Petersburg / Russia
Tel: +7 (812) 230 78 36