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Jetzt Mitglied werden!Clean-up of the Bornholm CW Dumpsite: towards the Optimum Decision
MIREMAR - Conference

Vadim T. Paka, Atlantic Branch, P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kaliningrad, Russia

MIREMAR Presentation Vadim T. Paka: Clean-up of the Bornholm CW Dumpsite: towards the Optimum Decision
Based on results of the EC funded project MERCW (, it became clear that a catastrophic scenario of further behaviour of the buried chemical munitions (CW) is unlikely. The question is what to do with the remaining CW. The only opinion supported by every party involved is to continue monitoring. Thus, it is reasonable to discuss a suitable monitoring program: realisation of new methods to detect the disposal of CW, to quantify the contamination of bottom sediments, to study and classify sources of gases.
Special steps should also be made towards determining the best (i.e. the safest) technologies for cleaning the seabed. Sampling of CW in the upper sediment layer suppose some kind of removal of dangerous objects accompanied by specific influence on the environment. Safe CW sampling, analysis and impact evaluation are the next tasks necessary for developing future plans for cleaning the Bornholm dumpsite.
Vadim T. Paka
Atlantic Branch
P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology
Russian Academy of Sciences
Prospekt Mira
236000 Kaliningrad, Russia
Tel: 8(0112)45-28-13