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Jetzt Mitglied werden!An Overview of Historical, Political and Environmental Aspects of Chemical Warfare
MIREMAR - Conference

John Hart, Chemical and Biological Security Project, Arms Control and Non-proliferation Programme SIPRI Solna /Sweden

MIREMAR Presentation John Hart: An Overview of Historical, Political and Environmental Aspects of Chemical Warfare
The development, production and stockpiling of chemical warfare (CW) agents is reviewed. The principal CW agents and selected degradation products are also provided. Past and current methods of the disposal of CW agents (principally on land) and the related political and legal context are then discussed. The focus of the paper is on the key environmental, technical and political questions which should be addressed or clarified if any remediation effort of dumped munitions is contemplated.
An attempt is also made to discuss the issues in the broad international context and to provide references which may be useful to the various communities concerned with the issue of dumped munitions.
John Hart
Chemical and Biological Security Project
Arms Control and Non-proliferation Programme SIPRI
Signalistgatan 9
SE-169 70 Solna