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Jetzt Mitglied werden!Recovery of conventional Marine Ammunition using Salvage Robots and Water Abrasive Suspension Jet Cutting
MIREMAR - Conference

Franz Eder, ANT AG, Lübeck / Germany

MIREMAR Presentation Franz Eder: Recovery of conventional Marine Ammunition using Salvage Robots and Water Abrasive Suspension Jet Cutting
The speech describes the developments since the last conference in October 2007 related to a master plan for the ecologically sound defusing of unexploded bombs and grenades found under water in the North Sea and Baltic Sea.
Specific emphasis is put on the detection and identification of bombs by means of sensors as well as the safe and sound salvage and defusing under water.
The concept exclusively presents existing and immediately available technology (on one hand prototypes, on the other hand serial products). The technology and products presented in detail is characterised without exception by a minimum affect to the subsea flora and fauna.
Concluding, the master plan will be completed by naming the following, also already available links of a chain, notably the safe transportation and the environmentally sound disposal.
Franz Eder
ANT Applied New Technologies AG
Hinter den Kirschkaten 32
D-23560 Lübeck
Tel. 0049-451-5 83 80-0